Join us at the Market . . . Shop online
We are looking forward to returning to the local farmers markets this year, and look forward to meeting you in person. Not all of our products are on the webstore yet but most are available in person at the market
Free Shipping
You can now pick up your order at a market we are attending and pay no shipping. Check the dates and times below, then email or text us when and where you will pick up. Third party can pick up your parcel if you supply their name and they provide the order number.
Market Dates
Athabasca Farmers Market (at the Multiplex) Saturday 10-2 pm
Feb 15
March 1, 15
Featured collection

New Product Line
We now make custom woodwork. Shelves, coathook racks, hat racks, clocks and custom signs.
Featuring woodburned pictures and images done by hand here in our workshop